It's already April!! Oh man it seems like just yesterday was December. In two months I'll be 19, god I feel old.
Anyways, look who's back in the market for a news reporting job on a website. D: After foolishly giving mine up because I thought Jon would be doing stuff to help out FXN I find myself in a rut which I can not seem to escape. I'm only a member of a few forums, one of which I quit staff on, another I haven't been on that long and its marginally larger than FXN and probably has enough staff to begin with, and the third being Gaming Union. Believe me when I tell you it's more likely hell will freeze over than me getting a chance at a job there. I'm not exactly on the best terms with the admins.
The only reason that not having a news reporting job bothers me is that I'm a bit conceited and I view myself as having awesome potential. Being that way, I feel I'm wasting it by just sitting here without being able to do that which I love. I honestly love being able to give information to the masses via the net. I mean, come on, if I didn't would I really bother running so many blogs?

What time better than this to also point out that I've been working my but off in photoshop? See? Now, my only problem is that Windows 7 gave me a ton of trouble so I was sorta forced out of frustration to shift over to a mostly Ubuntu based system. When I say mostly I mean that I'm using Ubuntu for everything and I'm messing around with other distributions of Linux just for fun. And the best part? I get to figure out how to use this amazingly complicated program called Wine so that I can run Adobe Photoshop CS2 in Ubuntu. If I can't do that, well then all graphic awesomeness is done. There is no way in the world that I can make awesome things like that which is pictured above in GIMP. It's pretty much laughable thinking that anyone can make anything worthwhile through GIMP.

I've been playing the crap out of Final Fantasy lately. I'm more than stuck on a boss fight. Let me just say this, Vanille's summon. If you've been playing the game, then you know what I mean. It's some crazy stuff. =/ I think this week or possibly this weekend at the latest I'm going to start working on putting up a Final Fantasy section on
Hinamizawa Syndrome. Inside of that section I'll have reviews of all of the titles I've played as well as character bios for ALL of the games. Mind you this will take me a very long time to complete, but I figure why not? It's not like I have much else to post there. Along with all the resources for the old games I'l post a trophy guide and some other guides, tips and tricks for Final Fantasy XIII in the area. AND since the game is still relatively new, I will keep everything as spoiler free as possible. SO, don't check a guide out unless you're at that part of the game, I'd hate for you to accidentally ruin the game for yourself.
Well on that note, I bid you so long for a while, I think this may in fact be one of the longest posts I've ever made. And I feel pretty blasted proud of myself.