Tuesday, June 29, 2010

And So Turns Another Page

Yesterday was my birthday, pretty good day if I do say so. :)

After a lot of thought and after just a simple realization, I decided to peacefully, and might I add near silently, leave FXN permanently. I will soon remove the links from this site as well. I have no more interest in the site as everyone that I had cared for has moved on. I felt it was time for me to do the same, so off to Gaming Union I go. I will miss those friends of mine who remain, but sometimes things just go stale and you need to walk away, that's what happened here, FXN has turned to rubbish and I just can't sit there and watch it die any longer.

Good-ish news! My Runescape membership is about to run out, so I should be able to update things for a bit since I'm holding out on asking my dad to renew it for me. ^^;

JAFAX 15 was this past weekend. It was a blast! I definitely enjoyed every second of it. I already can't wait for next years. :D I'll be working on my sewing skills hard core so that I can make an even better cosplay! :D And I wanna make a Drifloon plushie just because, so fabric store here I come!! DDD:

Well that's all for this quick update. :D Take care and don't forget to visit Hinamizawa Syndrome's main site!


Sunday, June 20, 2010


I have been slacking off hard core it seems. I'm terrible sorry. There were a lot of problems with my PowerMac which it turns out was entirely more trouble than it was worth. I'm planning on selling that POS on Craigslist, someone might want it.

In the next few weeks I'm planning on putting up quite a few reviews. I always say this, but it's about time I get down to business and start taking this seriously. I try to view my little project as something with a lot more potential than it really has in reality. For that reason I need to start putting the effort into it so that I can actually stand a chance at reaching the goals I have set in my mind.

Next weekend is JAFAX!! I'm quite excited for this as it will be my second year attending. This year I'm planning a cosplay for it as well so I hope that adds to the experience. I think the thing I'm most looking forward to about it though is that I get to meet Asuka's English VA!! OMG, I am beyond excited for that! I'm going to try to get her to sign my Evangelion manga, and pictures! Oh man, excitement that cannot be expressed in words.

Speaking of JAFAX, once the con is over and I have all the pictures up on DA, Facebook, and such I'll post them here, I know some people love anime as much as I do. Another thing I'm going to be doing after I get Hinamizawa Syndrome up and running again is use this blog mainly for promoting the site and move my personal life blog back to Live Journal. This one will still get business life updates though, I swear!

Well, until the next update which will hopefully be sometime soon :)
