Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Living Breathing, Generation of The Walking Dead

Like the title? :) It's from a new Ivoryline song off of their new cd Vessels. You should check it out~!

In other news, I finally jumped on the bandwagon and I've made a tumblr account, I'll be adding the link here in a bit. Its really just for a bit of fun and so that I can get my Harry Potter oriented humour.

I've been watching a lot of anime and discovering a lot of music and its getting me back in the mood to start updating Hinamizawa Syndrome again, but... I just don't know if it's worth it. I mean, I know that its something that I enjoy but I never get any feedback on anything that I put on the site, so it almost feels pointless. But know this, if I get back into it, and start taking it seriously then I'll put the site back up for sure :)

Have you ever played a game that seemed to be taking over your entire life? That's what I've been doing. I started playing Runescape in June and I've played it entirely too much since then. In fact I'm playing it even as I type this, that's how talented I am.


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